?护栏板简单来说分为两个等级:A级和B级,A级用于高速公路,B级用于县乡道路。 The guardrail plate simply divided into two grades: Grade A and B, for a B level for highway, county road. 高速公路护栏A级要求高,国家规范:是*人民共和国交通行业标准 JTT 281-2007 公路波形梁钢护栏,规范中规定护栏板厚度为4.0,立柱规格为140*4.5打桩用立柱通常高度为2150,混凝土预埋通常高度为1100。用防阻块连接。螺栓为45号钢,AB防盗,柱帽厚度3.0,垫片4.0。 A highway guardrail requirements, the national standard is: People's Republic of China traffic industry standard JTT 281-2007 highway guardrail, specifications guardrail plate thickness of 4 column, specifications for 140*4.5 pile with column usually height 2150, usually buried in concrete height is 1100. Block connection. Bolt for 45 steel, AB anti-theft, column cap thickness of 3, gasket, 4. 普通公路和县乡道路通常用B级,B级要求没有A级那么的高,B级可以说是延用了1995的行业规范,用3.0护栏板,114*4.5立柱,打桩用立柱通常高度为1800-2000,混凝土预埋通常高度为800-1000。用托架连接,螺栓为45号钢,AB防盗,柱帽厚度3.0,垫片4.0。 Ordinary road and county road usually with B grade, B grade requirements are not so high a grade, B grade can be said to be used for industry standard 1995, with 3 114*4.5 guardrail plate, upright pile with column usually height 1800-2000, usually buried in concrete height 800-1000. With bracket connection, bolt for No. 45 steel, AB anti-theft, column cap thickness 3, gasket 4. 以上单位均为毫米,防腐镀锌层必须达到600g/㎡,4.0厚度护栏板用4.15带钢生产,3.0厚度护栏板用*带钢生产,一则是因为钢材本身就有下差,二则是因为在酸洗过程中板材厚度会有所损耗。 These units are millimeters, corrosion of galvanized layer must reach 600g/ square meters, with 4.15 strip 4 thickness guide plate with * strip thickness 3 guardrail plate, one is because the steel itself is poor, two is because the thickness of the plate will be loss in the pickling process. 小细节:通常小件不检测,所以螺栓,柱帽都可以用普通代替,节约成本,在*上台以前以次充好的材料非常的多,不是说厂家以次充好,而是厂家按客户的要求来做的,因为客户为了利润不得不要一些薄一点的护栏板和立柱来维持利润,现2014年以后国家要求的非常严格,厚度必须达到,防腐镀锌层必须达到600g/㎡。 Small details: usually do not detect small, so the bolt, column cap can be used instead of ordinary, save the cost, after Xi Dada was in power shoddy material very much, not shoddy manufacturers but manufacturers according to the requirements of customers to do, because the customer for profit to have some a little thin plate and the column to the fence to maintain profits, the 2014 after the national requirements are very strict, the thickness must be achieved, the anticorrosion galvanized layer must reach 600g/ square meters. 热门阅读 波形梁护栏板的标准规格及重量 高速护栏对于高速公路存在怎样的意义? 高速护栏性价比指标 高公路安全**之高速护栏 波形梁护栏的简单介绍 道路行车保护伞护栏板 高速护栏在人们生活中所体现的价值 高速公路护栏板特点介绍 波形梁护栏产品特点 关于公路护栏板不得不说的的生产的指标 上一篇:安装护栏板度高速公路有什么预警 下一篇:返回列表