冠美交通设施护栏板厂是波形护栏板|护栏板厂家|路侧护栏板|高速防撞护栏板|波形护栏板|双波护栏板|三波护栏板|公路护栏板|波形钢板护栏价格|道路*隔离护栏板|乡村公路护栏板|二级公路护栏板|波形梁钢护栏|锌钢护栏板|公路波形梁护栏|喷塑护栏板|喷塑镀锌护栏板|安防工程护栏板|道路交通护栏等为一体的专业生产厂家 冠美路桥设施有限公司 总部地点:山东冠县工业园 联系人:张经理 联系电话:0635-2192868 联系手机: 客服Q 冠美交通设施有限公司所生产的高速护栏板是目前中国较专业的护栏板,一直致力于为高速公路护栏板,波形梁钢护栏板厂家提供*信息,是护栏板厂家供需网络信息化的可以选择平台 Folud road and bridge facilities Co., Ltd. the production of high-speed rail is currently China's most professional guardrail plate, has been committed to for highway guardrail plate, steel guardrail board manufacturers to provide authoritative information, guardrail plate manufacturers supply and demand network information platform of choice 高速护栏板是高速较重要的交通基础设施,我国高速公路是从80年代发展起来的,它对国民经济和社会的发展起着重要的影响作用,是高速公路重要维护和安全**设施。 High-speed rail is a high speed of the most important transportation infrastructure, highway of our country is from 80 time development rises, it to the national economy and social development plays an important role, is the major highways maintenance and security facilities. 一、护栏板的宽度310MM,厚度:3MM、4MM。1吨护栏板可铺:3MM厚的80米,4MM厚的61米。每公里3MM厚的重12.3吨,4MM厚的重16.388吨。 First, the width of the fence board 310MM, thickness: 3MM, 4MM. 1 tons of fence board can be spread: 3MM thick 80 meters, 4MM thick 61 meters. Every kilometer thick 3MM weighs 12.3 tons, 16.388 tons of heavy thick 4MM. 二、立柱:粗度规格Q114、Q140MM长度根据要求一般为1.85米、1.95米、2米、2.15米、2.27米碧厚4.5MM。 The two column: accuracy specifications Q114, Q140MM length is generally 1.85 meters, 1.95 meters, 2 meters, 2.15 meters, 2.27 meters thick according to the requirements of 4.5MM bi. 三、每公里用250块护栏板。立柱间距4米,每公里用250根立柱,端头2个,柱帽250个,螺丝250套,托架250个,防阻块250个。 Three per kilometer, with 250 pieces of guardrail plate. The column spacing of 4 meters per kilometer, with 250 pillars, the end of 2, column 250, 250 sets of screws, the bracket 250, prevention block 250. 高速护栏板本着“以客户为中心”的服务方针,致力于深入了解市场、关注客户需求,着力于打造较全面、较快捷、较新颖的信息化服务。禀承“持续解读客户需求,不断提升服务价值”的服务方向,将不断提升企业核心竞争力、不断整合自身及行业资源、不断突破观念完善策略,为打造*的行业门户而努力。 Guardrail board of "customer is center" principle of service, committed to in-depth understanding of the market, focus on customer needs, focus on to build the most comprehensive, the most efficient, the most innovative information service. Bingcheng "continue reading customer demand, improve service value" service orientation, will continue to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, continue to integrate itself and industry resources, breakthrough ideas to perfect the strategy, strive to build first-class industry portal. 我们的目标:成为互联网上较优秀、较*的护栏板行业平台; Our goal: to become the Internet industry platform guardrail board of the best and most authoritative; 我们的理念:以较大的热情与真诚,全力以赴,让我们的平台推动企业与个人走向成功,专注高速护栏多年值得你信赖。 Our philosophy: with the greatest enthusiasm and sincerity, go all out, let us the platform to promote business and personal success, focus on high-speed rails years worthy of your trust. 热门阅读 波形梁护栏板的标准规格及重量 高速护栏对于高速公路存在怎样的意义? 高速护栏性价比指标 高公路安全**之高速护栏 波形梁护栏的简单介绍 道路行车保护伞护栏板 高速公路护栏板特点介绍 高速护栏在人们生活中所体现的价值 波形梁护栏产品特点 关于公路护栏板不得不说的的生产的指标 上一篇:道路行车保护伞护栏板 下一篇:高公路安全**之高速护栏